In a busy workplace it is difficult to be environmentally friendly in everything you do, quite often you are too busy, or there is a faster and more practical solution.
However, the following five suggestions should be seriously considered as a foolproof and efficient way of eco-proofing your business. From simple, small changes, to wholesale office changes, the following can be very beneficial to not only the environment, but to employees well-being and productivity.
However, the following five suggestions should be seriously considered as a foolproof and efficient way of eco-proofing your business. From simple, small changes, to wholesale office changes, the following can be very beneficial to not only the environment, but to employees well-being and productivity.
Walking or Cycling to Work
Although not as practical as driving, if you live reasonably close to your place of work you should consider either cycling or walking to work. A great way to improve your fitness and wellbeing, you will also be reducing your carbon usage, a vital factor for the environment.
Bike purchase can be subsidised, and showers applied in most workspaces to use after the journey in. Not only will you limit the amount of natural resources you use, but you will also feel better in yourself and have a more active and healthier lifestyle.
Use Office Plants
Office plants are not only great for visuals, and lifting employers moods, they can also reduce pollutants in the air. Office plants will create there own mini microclimate by absorbing heat, thus limiting the need for uneconomical air conditioning.
They also improve humidity in the office, and provide a cleaner indoor air quality. Apart from flaring allergies, there is no real negative to not having plants in the office, they are cheep, pleasing on the eye, and arguably the most simple way you can eco-proof your business.
Deal With Environmental Body Registered Companies
If you deal with any companies in sectors such as agriculture, chemicals, construction, food and drink, waste management and many more it is important that these companies are registered and approved by the Environment Agency.
A spokesperson from a local business commented:
"It's essential for us to be registered with the UK Environment Agency as not only does it mean we comply with their guidelines, but our customers are aware of our commitment to their policies."
"This allows us to foster a positive reputation in the local area."
If companies have this licence it means they are complying with environmental laws, and abiding by the guidelines set by those laws. These guidelines limit the amount of environmental damage that is done by companies.
For example, a company certified by an environmental body to dispose of waste properly, this means they will never fly tip, or dispose of waste in any other illegal, and more environmentally damaging way. This benefits the environment, but also enhances this particular company's reputation.
Recycle Waste
Food waste is often thrown away into the nearest bin when people are busy working, however, swapping that food bin for a waste recycling bin is a simple step to ensure waste is reused rather than left to rot in a landfill site.
Food waste can also be turned into compost, which can be used for office plants, or employees gardens. Another common area of large scale office waste is plastic bottles, if bottled drinks are sold in the workspace then a plastic recycling bin should be seriously considered. Better still bottled drinks could be replaced with a water cooler, with employees having there own office glasses or mugs that can easily be refilled.
Cut Down on Printing
Offices are traditionally littered with pieces of paper, documenting every minute meeting or transaction you've done, day on day, year on year. Cutting down on printing not only reduces office clutter, it also prevents utilising the planets key tree and forrest resources.
Forest and woodland areas help monitor the climate by up taking carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. Today there is no need for a vast amount of paper in the office, for example; electronic signatures can be used for contracts, mail can be scanned, backups of key documents can be stored using Dropbox, and communication can be solely digital.
It may be a slight workload initially to fully change to a digital way of working, but the benefits are numerous.
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